Monday, February 8, 2010

update semula


when comes to february ramai dah planning na celeb valentine's dgn couple masing2. PERLU KE? ini yg musykil, rmai mgatakn valentine ini terjadi pada suatu masa dahulu dgn terjadi nya peristiwa berikut "seorang paderi mempunyai seorang kekasih then in the 14th feb mereka telah melakukan hubungan terlarang and strting frm tht mulanya seks bebas" it is for real? entah lah tak boleh nak cakap bende tuh betol or not
tetapi fr me, it doesnt matter valentine ke tidak kita always syg couple kite kkan kn? biarlah kasih sayang itu datang daripada keikhlasan di hati kita sendiri.HA HA , ayat. the word I LOVE YOU selalu di ucapkan bagi semua couple kan kan tapi betul ke they really meant it? or sudah mjadi kebiasaan setiap malam bfro tido 'Nite, iloveyou, sweet dream' hanya untuk menyedapkan perasaan je? tepuk dada tanya selera :) okay?
the meaning of love? sorang pun tk tahu the exact meaning of love but for me LOVE IS A RISK.Love is a risk, it could bring either pleasure or pain. Sometimes both. Life is a gamble, you never know what it’ll bring. Live in the moment and don’t dwell on the past. Find the good in everybody. Think positive; do positive. Break the rules and take a chance of getting caught. Dance in the rain when everyone else is inside. Don’t follow the crowd. Who cares if you fit in? Wear your emotions on your sleeve and dive into love . idk why i said like tht eventhough nw i having a great life with him i still think that love is very a high risk you know. bck to bahasa melayu * idea habis haha. takde lah cube bayangkan kan yang kita daah couple fr a year lah at least kn all of a sudden die mntk break dengan segala yg kite dah lalui bersama kite pun dah 100 and 30% sayang all of a sudden break? mahu tak patah hati ? thts why saya beranggapan bahawa cinta itu sememangnya tinggi risiko nya * haha cinta? wtf. jiwang bhai sakit woaa bile kene mcm tuh. * saya berkata melalui pengalaman sakit yg teramat and tak dapat di bayangkan youuu:) tetapi if kite menangis siang malam pasal bende ini boleh dikatakan buang masa youu. takde lah dah takde jodoh nak bt mcm mane kan? *tapi saya tetap akan menangis okay back on the story okay, menangis siang malam if die dtg balik kat kite takpe tau , if die lgsg tak kasi respon dahhh itu kan dah namanya memalukan diri kite mcm kite ni dah kemaruk kat lelaki tuh kan kan?
sebaliknya, kite berserah tht memang tkd jodoh antara kau dan aku
but kan
"some times i sit and look at the stars, and ill name the brightest one after your name, because no matter where i go, or where i am, theres always some thing that reminds: the days we laughed and first kissed, Because every one knows that we were meant to be together, thats why i shall wait until your ready to try again, because your name is with mine, imprinted in my heart, ill be here thinking of you."

haha dah lah no more storyy nak cer
btw,sayy please trust me , iloveu


haah, why semua ni trjadi kpd aku?

Monday, January 25, 2010


haaaaaa......marah ni marah ,
O EM GEEE! aku dah lah tak blajar satu ape bhaiii tgok buku selak2 je bukan nye study pun gahhh
bikin pusing otak eden nihhh
ahh lantak lah still got time for Peperangan Masa Remaja

Thursday, January 21, 2010

ape prob kau dgn aku sekarang ni ? ko nk seboksebok hal aku !
eh aku tak batak la dgn phone yg kau beli kan utk aku 3 skupang ni ! skrg gak aku boleh humban kat muke kau ! HAHAHAH
then , perlu ke nk myebok hal aku ?
aku punyee hp , aku punyee blogg . oke
perlu ke kau nk pergi check kat kerajaan smatemate nk tgk aku ni cmne ?
ape ke bodohhh ko nii ? HAHAHA .
suke hati mak aku la kalau aku nk letak pic aku dgn bf aku ke . aku fucking kee !
beb , anak kau pon pena bawak pompuan balik rumah laa . HAHAHAHA . segan la sikit ! aiyoo , nak ckp org diri tuhh ? da perfect ehh ? bgusss lahhh :D
weh ! kau da dapat bapak aku da laa , MOTHERFUCKER !
tggu je aku 18 y/o t !
Beb ruma tu mmg name aku doe ! tapaya la ayt kat bapak aku soh tuke name ko .
ko da r miskin , rumah tak de . hidop menumpang . tak maluu ? HAHAH
then , ape masalah ? bebile je aku bole halau kau BERAMBOS dari RUMAH AKU ! aku pike bapak aku pon dok uma tu jugak je dohh . HAHA . okeyy ,
bpak aku sayang aku , bapak aku pecaye akuu . thenn ? HAHAHAH ,
ko tak knl aku sape la SUNDALLL ;)) HAHAHAH ;)

p/s ; weh jgn r bg bapak kau kawen laen dohh ! cmni arr jadiknyee . lagi lagi if bapak kau uh dapat ank bile dgn mak tiri . PEEHH ! tebaik dohh , OKE

Friday, January 8, 2010

dulu dulu

aku malas nak pkr dah lah,
i know aku yg salah
i deserve it kan,
if aftr this aku tkde, awak tc n aku sntiasa ingt kau
sbb kau yg slalu bt aku happy
aku mntk maaf and i hope aftr this kite dah boleh happy mcm dulu okay dear;)

aku sayang kau kawan
&& i wish kite dpt jdi mcm dulu thts it


Wednesday, January 6, 2010


End 2009, comes 2010

HAHA, 2010 NO DRAMA(s) okay?
Btw , hari tu aku tbukak lah blogger orang

Gee-_____________-, aku plastic? THANKs ckp aku plastic okay?
Why don’t you ask me by yourself neither I’m plastic or not lah babe
Yeah myb aku buat salah dkat kau smpi kau ckp aku plastic kan
But IF really aku plastic, why dari kite same2 dulu kau share all your secret? All your personal stuff dgn family huh? Kau tk ingt when KITA cry same2, bcoz kau ad prob aku ad prob?
don’t you even remember sape yang slalu backup kau? Bukan nak ungkit laa , but if really kau ckp aku PLASTIC, why from the beginning kau still nak kwn dgn ak? Weh yes aku buat salah dgn kau but from bottom of my heart, I didn’t mean it , you know! I sorry! I nak kita jadi mcm DULU, REMEMBER? lesboo sjati aku:’) I sedih bcoz kita dah tak macam dulu, I sedih kita dah tak gelak2 mcm selalu, I sedih you, myb dkat schl you tgok I rapat dgn org lain, but act deep in my heart I nak YOU, KITA BESTFRIEND FOREVER? REMEMBER? Sape lagi nak kutuk2 I GEDIK if bukan you? I nak dgr you pnye gelak, I nak dgr you pnye suare bile happy, I nak tgok you senyum yg trsngt sngt HOT tuu;). You, I miss you, YEAH , aku mmg salah first2, but I;ve changed, please give me one chance to be with you, having a normal day with you like usually we have last last last year? I mean it, aku nak kau KAWAN BAIK AKU! Please, aku dah give up nak buat mcm mane lgy dgn kau , bile aku strt nakk buat conversation , kau mcm nak tnak layan je doh, its okay lah slagi aku boleh sabar, aku sabar, hanya than je tahu btapa frustrated Nye aku. Sedih, and almost give up nak pergi schl coz every time every day dah tak same mcm dulu FYI, stiap malam aku bdoa agar kite boleh jadi mcm dulu you know. sayang(S) I miss the old day mcm dulu

If kau bace ni, I’ll hope you understand me


Kau mmg okayy syg, yes aku tau aku buat salah smpi in our friendship ad jarak antara kita satu sama lain,
I wish kite mcm dulu doh, pergi tuition rehat same2, sometimes kau kene layan kerenah aku HA HA, btw thanks fr the experience, I really like the way you talk to me, give me advise, now aku tk dpt rase mcm tuh sume, feel like you n you avoiding from me, mcm nak tnak je lah kan, haih -________-
Myb aku je ke yang rase mcm tuh? IDK, I MISS THT TIME yg kau sanggup teman aku pg kuar smpi KLCC TO PAVI;) I miss you buddy, aku btol2 nak kite jdi mcm dulu , aku rase mcm tpinggir gle, if aku tkd nty , korg TAKE CARE and remember even aku pndh smpi migrate London skali pun , you always be in my heart darl;) I REALLY MISS YOU, BUDDY!aku minta maaf atas sgala perbuatan aku , if ini sebagai balasan , aku terima dgn penuh hati, dan jika ini yang seharusnya aku hadapi, aku akaan hadapi sendiri, mungkin ini adalah balasan aku , terima kasih kawan atas segala yang pernah anda lakukan kpada sya , dan saya amat menghargai segala jasa anda

Syg(K), aku nak kite mcm dulu, aku syang2 kau sgt, kau slalu support aku, if aku tgah emo, kau slalu gve advise kat aku antaranya ‘ ala, black tuh ta payah pcaye, kau ad rupe, comel ada lagi laki kat luar sane yang ssuai dgn kau” I really miss tht advise syang;) aku nak kite semua ceria mcm dulu, NO MORE DRAMA(s) aku rindu korang semua, I need you guys beside me, enough of my stupid prob at home, aku pun tatau skrg nak luahkan dkt sape, sume mcm na tanak except you BABY, haha , saying I really nak kite macm dulu, mcm last last year, prgi DIVA same2, LEPAK KAT ALIBI, kuar kl same2! Babe, I really miss you, aku harap kau phm doh prasaan aku skrg ni,

p/s: I was crying when I wrote this FRIENDS FYI

Dr,Jekyll and mr.hyde;(

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Meaning Of true Friends

you know its the first time buat blog act, HAHA, yeah agak sdikit BUTA IT, yeah,but tak salah if kita belajar ryte?. ahha, sure everybody learns something from their own life dramas HA HA
biasa lah kita semua MANUSIA YANG TIDAK SEMPURNA yang sering melakukan kesilapan,and from tht kita msti lah belajar daripada kesilapan, so do i , i do a lot of mistakes, and i also learns some mistakes, ahha, alhmdullilah semenjak daripada kejadian yg menimpa , i learn a lots, ahha nw i learn erti sebuah persahabatan yang murni indah belaka, HA HA,
yeah friends semua yg aku buat i hope korg forgive me ye;(thanks friends bcoz giving me a chance to prove to you all tht i really love you guys AHAKS;)

friendships is like a flower
they grow with time and can
stem into something beautifull
If you dont take care of them
They will wilt away
Friends are very special
just like a delicate flower is
Lets your friends know how special
they are today and everyday of your like.


you know i mean it,