Monday, February 8, 2010

update semula


when comes to february ramai dah planning na celeb valentine's dgn couple masing2. PERLU KE? ini yg musykil, rmai mgatakn valentine ini terjadi pada suatu masa dahulu dgn terjadi nya peristiwa berikut "seorang paderi mempunyai seorang kekasih then in the 14th feb mereka telah melakukan hubungan terlarang and strting frm tht mulanya seks bebas" it is for real? entah lah tak boleh nak cakap bende tuh betol or not
tetapi fr me, it doesnt matter valentine ke tidak kita always syg couple kite kkan kn? biarlah kasih sayang itu datang daripada keikhlasan di hati kita sendiri.HA HA , ayat. the word I LOVE YOU selalu di ucapkan bagi semua couple kan kan tapi betul ke they really meant it? or sudah mjadi kebiasaan setiap malam bfro tido 'Nite, iloveyou, sweet dream' hanya untuk menyedapkan perasaan je? tepuk dada tanya selera :) okay?
the meaning of love? sorang pun tk tahu the exact meaning of love but for me LOVE IS A RISK.Love is a risk, it could bring either pleasure or pain. Sometimes both. Life is a gamble, you never know what it’ll bring. Live in the moment and don’t dwell on the past. Find the good in everybody. Think positive; do positive. Break the rules and take a chance of getting caught. Dance in the rain when everyone else is inside. Don’t follow the crowd. Who cares if you fit in? Wear your emotions on your sleeve and dive into love . idk why i said like tht eventhough nw i having a great life with him i still think that love is very a high risk you know. bck to bahasa melayu * idea habis haha. takde lah cube bayangkan kan yang kita daah couple fr a year lah at least kn all of a sudden die mntk break dengan segala yg kite dah lalui bersama kite pun dah 100 and 30% sayang all of a sudden break? mahu tak patah hati ? thts why saya beranggapan bahawa cinta itu sememangnya tinggi risiko nya * haha cinta? wtf. jiwang bhai sakit woaa bile kene mcm tuh. * saya berkata melalui pengalaman sakit yg teramat and tak dapat di bayangkan youuu:) tetapi if kite menangis siang malam pasal bende ini boleh dikatakan buang masa youu. takde lah dah takde jodoh nak bt mcm mane kan? *tapi saya tetap akan menangis okay back on the story okay, menangis siang malam if die dtg balik kat kite takpe tau , if die lgsg tak kasi respon dahhh itu kan dah namanya memalukan diri kite mcm kite ni dah kemaruk kat lelaki tuh kan kan?
sebaliknya, kite berserah tht memang tkd jodoh antara kau dan aku
but kan
"some times i sit and look at the stars, and ill name the brightest one after your name, because no matter where i go, or where i am, theres always some thing that reminds: the days we laughed and first kissed, Because every one knows that we were meant to be together, thats why i shall wait until your ready to try again, because your name is with mine, imprinted in my heart, ill be here thinking of you."

haha dah lah no more storyy nak cer
btw,sayy please trust me , iloveu

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